“Lifting as we Climb”.

Welcome To the official Website for the Sigma Alpha Chapter of Omega Psi Phi Fraternity, Incorporated. We are pleased that you are interested in learning more about the programs of our Fraternity. On behalf of the members of the Sigma Alpha Chapter, we welcome you to our official virtual home. We are committed to serving the Greater community of Miami-Dade County.

The Sigma Alpha Chapter was chartered by fourteen visionary professional men on March 13, 1939, that saw the need to start a chapter in Miami, Florida. Men of high ideals and attainments, just as our fraternity founders, the men of the Sigma Alpha Chapter through outstanding service and contributors to the professional lifestyle in the Miami-Dade community earned the reputation as "The Mighty World-Famous Sigma Alpha Chapter”.  

Today, more than Eighty-Five years later the men of the Sigma Alpha Chapter remain vigilant, working nobly to fulfill our mandated programs, uplift the community, impact economic growth, and improve the lives of senior citizens and youth in Miami-Dade County.

Please enjoy your visit and join us for any of our public events.

We believe, Service is the rent you pay to live on this earth!

-Derrick Love

Basileus, Sigma Alpha Chapter

Upcoming events.

Check out our slate of events in 2025.


"Eight men thoroughly immersed in the true Omega spirit are far greater assets than eighty with lukewarm enthusiasm."

— Bro. Walter H. Mazyck



Feel free to contact us with any questions.
